Do you have an automated sprinkler system for your lawn? For starters, a good sprinkler system will ensure that your lawn will keep looking its best all year round. Although sprinkler systems are designed to be durable, they can still break down and malfunction. It’s important to identify if your sprinkler system is acting up so you can get sprinkler repair in Jupiter before the damage worsens.

One of the common complaints of homeowners is a leaking sprinkler system. When your sprinkler system shows even just a small leak, you should find experts in sprinkler repair. How are you going to know if your sprinkler system is leaking?

Sprinkler Repair in Jupiter professional

Signs of a Leaking Sprinkler System

High Water Bill

When you start using your sprinkler system, you’ll know how much water you’ll be using every month. Water use is predictable, but it will also depend on the season, so you’ll need to consider that as well. Fluctuations are normal, but if you observe your water bill skyrocket, then that could mean a water leak.  

There are many possible sources for the leak, but if you’ve already checked your faucets and toilet and they’re working just fine, then there’s a big chance the leak is coming from your sprinkler system.  

Wet Spots in Your Garden

When your sprinkler system has completed a cycle, watch out for wet spots. Although it’s normal for your lawn to feel wet after a cycle, what’s not normal is when certain areas of your lawn show signs of too much watering. Check your lawn for pools of water, muddy areas, wet and marshy patches, bubbling water from the soil, and wet concrete. 

Sprinkler Repair in Jupiter

Are You Looking for Sprinkler Repair in Jupiter?

If you suspect your sprinkler system is not functioning as it’s supposed to, call the experts! At O’Hara Sprinkler, we provide trustworthy repairs and maintenance. Call us today to schedule an appointment. 

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